Harvey's Photograph Page
This is a "Hetty the Hen" photograph page.
Harvey worked at Haywrights department store, he worked in the display
department which is kinda like a Santa's helper team each Christmas season.
Go to bottom of page/contents to skip this page. I've been here before.
Hetty usually comes out every Easter because she is a chocolate laying
hen! The work of the Display Department Manager - Maurice Roundhill
Hetty laying eggs at the Shoe Department in Haywrights
My hobbies are ...I enjoy writing letters/email and poetry. I play social volleyball regularly, and table tennis. A strong interest is computers and videogames. I read a lot about UFOs, reincarnation, etc and speculate a great deal about the unexplained.
What this site covers...Reading material about the unexplained.Poetry written by the author of this site. Download --- what is downloadable from this site