Mysteries of the Universe


Appropriate picture for Unexplained

Harvey's Personal Photographs page

These are simply some photographs to show that Harvey lived an ordinary life in ordinary times.

A shy timid boy growing up. Wanting to fit in.
He wanted so much to be like everyone else.

Go to bottom of page/contents to skip this page. I've been here before.

An ordinary boy with ordinary aspirations.


Harvey, Kelsey and Mitchell in the year 2000?

My - ain't they angelic beings here?

2 Hall Street, South Dunedin, Dunedin NEW ZEALAND
If you wish to know more about the author of this site, then feel free to visit my homepage at: Harvey's Home Page for information.


Harvey and Kelsey - 2000


Harvey and Kelsey in the year 2000

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We are only here on this planet for a limited time and need to make contact with old friends as well as make new friends.